Website Analytics & Reporting

Be more informed

With our in depth website analytics and reporting, you stay more informed as to how your website is performing and where to make improvements.

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Know Where to Put Your Efforts

Know where your digital marketing efforts should go

Our analytics and reporting services will not only let you see where your traffic comes from, but which channel is getting you the sales (natural, paid, social etc.), allowing you to make more informed decisions with your marketing time and budget.

Our Analytic Services

We use specialist tools to get the data you need

We use specialist tools, to pick up your valuable website data, and as well as that, take care of processing all the data and extracting the key information that’s important to you.

Mobile is now the most popular online browsing device, ensure you understand how mobile visitors are engaging with your website to make informed decisions on how to improve.

Understand what devices visitors are using to browse your website and their site behaviour on these devices. With this insight you can identify opportunities to improve your website by device type.

Understand the demographics of your website visitors by age and gender and identify new opportunities where you can create more relevant content for your target market demographics.

Identify top websites referring visitors to you and enables you to understand visitor behaviour from referrers and take action to drive increased traffic from the best referring sites.

Understand the engagement of social visitors and their behaviour on your website. When combined with your social marketing metrics you will be able to gauge the true effectiveness of your social marketing efforts.

Understanding what drives a visitor to your website is crucial to ensuring your content is relevant. We can help you understand what ‘theme’ of keywords are driving traffic to your website and how they are engaging with you.

Measure The Marketplace

Know how you compare to your competitors

Knowing how you measure up in your market and how you compare to your competitors can help you make the right decisions. We help you see how your competitors websites perform compared to you and give you direction on how to improve to be better.

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Easy to Understand Business Reports

Get reports, designed for business owners

We send you comprehensive, regular reports that you can understand, highlights the important data you want to know and help to drive your online business in the right direction.

Big or Small

Analytics and reporting for SME’s and large corporations

No matter if you’re a small business starting out or a large established business, we have reporting packages that will tailor specifically to your business needs.
