Digital Marketing Telford

Experts in marketing & promotion

We help you increase your visibility to your target audience, whether you’re looking for increased exposure through paid, organic, social or email marketing.

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SEO – Search Engine Optimisation

The more traffic you have, the more business.

Getting your website found by the right people can be difficult, with changes to the way search engines rank websites and new strategies on how best to optimise it can be overwhelming to keep up to date and effectively run your business.

Our effective website optimisation and marketing team can help you get found by optimising your website with the latest proven SEO techniques.

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PPC – Pay Per Click advertising

Google Ads Pay Per Click (PPC)

Using Google Adwords PPC advertising generates instant traffic, we can target relevant searches to bring you traffic that leads to conversions.

We are a fully certified PPC professionals and we have a strong history of effective setup and optimisation of Google Adwords campaigns.

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Email Marketing

Reach further with your emails

When sending out emails to your subscribers, they need to be well designed and engaging. There can be so many different areas to test, check and optimise that it can be difficult to get them all right. We can help you streamline this and with our experience, effectively improve the performance of your email marketing campaigns.

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"We have used isev for a several years now and have found the entire team to be warm, friendly and technically very sound. They’re a creative team with great knowledge and experience.”

Mike Nettleton - Nock Deighton

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Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing can help you be seen

Social media sees millions of people sharing photos, videos, and posts everyday and it can be hard to get yourself heard through all the noise. Our social media marketing can help you be seen, whichever channels you use, we can get your message out there to the people that matter.

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Video Production & Marketing

Enhance your content with Video

Video is one of the most engaging forms of content, and has been shown to dramatically increase conversions. We will help you create an engaging video that effectively captures your audience’s attention with professional video production and editing. We can also help with marketing your video to amplify its reach make it have the most impact.

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Website Analytics & Reporting

Track your visitors and in-depth reports

Website analytics and reporting allows you to better track how users interact and browse your website, allowing you to see what ‘is’ and ‘is not’ working, this will then help you make more informed decisions, that ultimately improve your website and business.

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