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  • Oscars triple social media commentary

October 7,2021

Oscars triple social media commentary

byIsev Team Isev Team

Sunday saw the online community go crazy for the Oscars, as the number of comments about Hollywood’s most glamorous night tripled on figures from last year.

Showing that viewers are connecting with the awards ceremony, Meryl Streep was one of the most talked about winners. Taking her third Oscar, her last victory was 1983, Streep wowed in a gold floor length gown.

This year’s Academy Awards also saw viewers take to social media platforms to talk about singer-actress Jennifer Lopez’s very low-cut dress, and various other red-carpet winners and losers.

Angelina Jolie enjoyed a lot of attention on Twitter due to her daring thigh-high slit gown, whereas Sandra Bullock received criticism online for her dropped waist gown.

Figures revealed that 3.4 million Oscar-related comments on Facebook and Twitter, 2011 saw just 966,000.

The numbers are likely to please Oscar producers who can use these figures to draw in advertising revenues for next year’s awards.

Those numbers are likely to be significant for Oscar producers, who could point to viewers’ higher level of social media engagement to win greater advertising revenues for next year’s show.

However is was Streep that was the most talked about on Sunday night, the 62-year-old actress won the award for her portrayal of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in ‘The Iron Lady’.

‘BY FAR the best Oscars acceptance speech belonged to Meryl Streep!’ tweeted celebrity blogger Perez Hilton.

Followed closely by Thomas Langmann, who took best picture Oscar for ‘The Artist’, was a top trending topic on Twitter – most comments were relating to his likeness to Peter Lorre (actor famous for his role in Casablanca).

‘The fact that the producer of ‘The Artist’ looks exactly like Peter Lorre somehow makes this all worthwhile,’ wrote one viewer on Twitter.

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