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  • Online retailers prepare for super Sunday

October 7,2021

Online retailers prepare for super Sunday

byIsev Team Isev Team

An increase in online Christmas shopping has been predicted for Sunday 4th December. This day could be the busiest for online retailers before Christmas, researchers have revealed.

Top E-commerce website retailer eBay has said this day is likely to be the busiest as individuals try and get presents ordered before Christmas.

Naming the day ‘super Sunday’ online auction website has predicted as many as thirty gifts purchased every second, making it the busiest day for online shopping this year.

eBay.co.uk has said they expect over 5.8 million shoppers to log-on to shop through-out the day, half a million more than last year.

Consumers using their smart phones to make purchases are also predicted to double on last year, with around two purchases made every second.

Its forecasts were made following retail industry firm IMRG predicting growth of 14 per cent in Internet shopping throughout December.

Angus McCarey, retail director for eBay UK, has said sales volumes will increase to six-times the amount for a normal Sunday on December 4th.

‘We’ll see people buying more for less with smaller gifts like mobile phone accessories and discounted high street fashion selling well on eBay this Christmas,’ he added.

In the mean time, a study by TalkTalk (internet service provider) has shown the rise in the popularity of ecommerce among consumers in Great Britain. Findings revealed that 96 per cent of people purchase at least one item online every year.

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