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October 7,2021

Facebook blocked by former Soviet state

byIsev Team Isev Team

The former Soviet state of Tajikistan has blocked access to Facebook, the social media website.

Situated on the boarder with Afghanistan, Tajikstan, the state that Britain tried to reach out to last week in a diplomatic mission across Central Asia, has blocked the social networking site, Facebook.

The state will join the small list of states, which have also blocked the social media giant, include Syria, Iran, China and Uzbekistan.

Tajik Internet was told to block Facebook by the ministry for communications, as they had been sued by anti-government opposition groups over the weekend.

This happened just the day after Nick Harvey, the UK’s Armed Forces minister, was in Tajikistan’s capital, Dushanbe, to talk about military departure from Afghanistan in 2014.

‘This morning, we carried out the instruction of the communications service and blocked the sites facebook.com, tjknews.com and zvezda.ru,’ one of Tajikistan’s Internet providers told Reuters over the weekend.

‘We could not refuse to carry out this instruction.’

Controlling governments all over the world are becoming more and more cautious of social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter – as they are thought to be responsible for causing unrest and rebellion.

Over the past year and a half Tajik has cracked down on media as they try to stop the anti-government momentum.

A number of Western lobby groups have criticised the Central Asian states for their control of the media, but these are the governments that the UK and Nato are hoping will help move military kit from Afghanistan in 2014.

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