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The Customer Journey: Tips and best practices

Understanding the customer journey is more critical than ever for businesses aiming to enhance their marketing strategies and...

Leanne July 31st, 2024
Benefits and drawbacks of starting an ecommerce business

Ecommerce businesses have become increasingly popular in recent years, offering businesses the opportunity to reach a larger market...

Leanne June 13th, 2023
Business Owners Guide to Google Shopping

We work with a lot of retailers and eCommerce companies come to us or after completing a project,...

Isev Team
Isev Team October 7th, 2021
8 Weird Mistakes To avoid on eCommerce Websites (That Even Big Brands Overlooked)

Recently, I came across an eCommerce audit benchmark for 2017. The audit took 50 well known eCommerce websites...

Isev Team
Isev Team October 7th, 2021
9 Tips to speed up Magento websites (Simple changes anyone can do)

This is part of a series of articles we’re writing on how you can speed up your Magento...

Tim October 7th, 2021
A comparison of Craft CMS 3 and WordPress

WordPress has become the most popular CMS on the internet. It’s used for making blogs, eCommerce and it’s...

Isev Team
Isev Team October 7th, 2021
9 Tips to choose the best website design company

OK, hands up! I'm going to be completely biased here, and say isev, but give me 4 minutes...

Tim October 7th, 2021
9 Simple Methods to Increase Your Ecommerce Sales

We’ve all been at that point where we are seeing traffic come into our site on Google Analytics,...

Tim October 7th, 2021
Apple Siri will shape mobile app development of future

The iPhone is once again leading the way in mobile phone technology. Apple’s Siri the personal assistant and...

Isev Team
Isev Team October 7th, 2021
China set for e-commerce boom

The Chinese online retail market will be the biggest in the world by 2015, research has revealed. With...

Isev Team
Isev Team October 7th, 2021
Building your brand online

Building your brand online A cool logo, a glossy website, social media links and a consistent brand image...

Isev Team
Isev Team October 7th, 2021
Being Different in Banner Design a good or bad idea?

Being different is something many people strive for in business, but many fail to ask themselves if being...

Isev Team
Isev Team October 7th, 2021