October 7,2021

Aim to double e-commerce by 2015, says Europe

byIsev Team Isev Team

Plans to remove barriers to e-commerce in a bid to improve economic growth and increase jobs, has been backed by the European Union competition ministers.

On Friday the European Commission put forward a number of initiatives to remove barriers and build a well-working digital single market. The ministers, who gathered in Denmark’s capital Copenhagen, reacted positively to the proposed plans, officials said.

Denmark’s Minister for Business and Growth, Ole Sohn, stated that his EU equivalents supported an aim of doubling online sales and the share of the internet-based economy in the EU’s GDP in the next three years.

‘That will give more growth in the EU and better competitiveness,’ Sohn told Reuters. ‘In a time of economic crisis, it is necessary to get growth back on track.’

The ministers also reacted positively to initiatives to increase electronic procurement, therefore making the process of sending e-invoices and making online business more secure.

Such methods would decrease the amount of administration needed in companies and enable them to focus on growing and improving their business, said Sohn who chaired the meeting as Denmark holds the rotating presidency of the EU for the first six months of 2012.

‘There is a common interest among all EU countries to push this agenda forward, and the Danish presidency will push forward the concrete proposals of the Commission,’ Sohn said.

At present the digital single market is not realising its potential and if it does not succeed in completing that market, it is estimated to cost at least 4.1 percent of GDP between now and 2020, the Commission has told the European parliament.

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